Beginners Online Course

Jyotish Beginner’s Online Course with Gordon Brennan

The next online course in Vedic Astrology will begin at 8pm on Tuesday, 26th September 2023.  The course is based on Parashara Jyotish.  Each lesson is one and a quarter hours and is recorded.  The whole course will run for 32 weeks.  The fee for the whole course is £450.00, less 10% if fully paid up in 2023.  A certificate will be provided on completion of the course.  You can book the first term of the course by paying £150 for the first 11 lessons from 26th September 2023.  The whole subject is covered in the first term and then developed in terms 2 and 3.

Summary of Course Schedule

  1. Historical overview and principles of Jyotish
  2. Conceptual framework – Vedic Science – astronomy for astrologers
  3. Signs of the Zodiac
  4. Planets
  5. Houses
  6. Nakshatras – the Lunar Zodiac
  7. Dashas
  8. Panchang – the five elements and transits
  9. Principles of chart interpretation
  10. Chart interpretation with famous examples
  11. Student’s own charts

To register, please pay via secure Paypal.  Ask for a Paypal invoice if you would like one.